Hot Rod Surf ® HOTRODSURF presents Pinstriping Techniques Learn How To Pinstripe - DVD Movie
Join Hot Rod Surf founder, master mechanic, and freehand pinstriper Mark Whitney Mehran (MWM) at the Hot Rod Surf headquarters in San Diego, California on an entertaining and informative How To Guide of Traditional Freehand Pinstriping Techniques. MWM will walk you through the tools, brush skills, and designs you need to start your own pinstriping adventure. This technical guide gives you an action packed first hand look at what goes into hot rod style pinstriping design and application. This is indpendently produced art movie was produced before HD and was the very first of its kind and will show you everything you need to know to make your own freehand pinstrping art.
• San Diego artist MWM takes you behind the scene of making and designing traditional pinstriping art
• Pinstriping Tools, Freehand Pinstriping Designs, Brush Techniques, and more
• Learn to make your own traditional pinstriping art
• Includes motorcycles and hot rods
• Total Running time: 1 hour 34 minutes
• This independently produced art movie was the first of its kind and made before HD
• Rated for All Audiences
See the movie that influenced thousands and even started some careers! Take a wild ride into the art of traditional freehand pinstriping art and see the movie that was the first to open up the mysterious world of pinstriping to the general public.